Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Video assignment?

Does anyone else have any idea how this whole video thing is supposed to work?
It's really mystifying me... I'm drawing a complete blank about how to go about it.
Any pointers, thoughts, or random comments would be appreciated right now. Thanks!


  1. Apparently we are supposed to narrate a paper of our choosing, reword it so that it doesn't sound like you are reading a paper. you have to make a slideshow of pictures to go with it, and you have to have music in the background as well, good luck, God knows we all need it right now

  2. Yeah... that's about what I thought. Pity, all the words are English, but it doesn't seem to tell me anything.
    I started on it, just hacking away right now. Hopefully it won't be a complete disaster.
    Thanks for the help.


  3. Yeah, as much as i wish i could say i completely understand how to do it as well as explain to others, i really cant, it seems as if there is no clear cut way to do it, ive talked to a few others in the class but there isnt one set thing we can all agree on, sorry i couldnt be of more help to you.

  4. check out kristen's blog, she ahs hers up and I think that's how it should be.

  5. For the assigment Dr. Kerr wanted us to revise our best essay and change the audiance. He wanted us to direct our topic at a certain audiance (age group) by creating a movie to help explain our paper. I hope this helps!

  6. thanks all. I've got what I think is at least on the right track.

